Note: for installing OS X 10.6.8 and up, the certificate is checked to see if it has expired.

Disk Utility is available in a menu item in the installer. You may need to enter Disk Utility and format the included drive image prior to running your installation if a drive target is not available in the install window. Inside the UTM interface, select your virtual machine, Select the CD/DVD drop-down, click Browse, and open the img file you downloaded with fetch-macOS-v2.py (or some other way).

Note that some of these can't be converted from an M1 Mac (but can be converted from inside an x86-64 UTM guest). If using full installers instead of just the baseconfig.img files, you can run to convert the.Other installer locations are provided inside the config notes. For macOS 10.13 to 12, you can use (run from Terminal.app using python fetch-macOS-v2.py) to download a base install image.This can be done by double-clicking the unzipped file. utm file you want to use into /Users//Library/Containers//Data/Documents/. The following instructions assume you're installing on macOS, and will need to be tweaked slightly for iPadOS/iOS. I've tested the configs with UTM 2 and UTM 3, on macOS and they work with both. To use these files, you'll need an installed copy of UTM.app for macOS from (or iOS) or from for unstable releases, and you'll need to provide your own installation media a basic unformatted qcow2 disk image is provided as the install target.
#How to install os x 10.6 on qemu mac os#
Config files for booting Mac OS on UTM emulator for macOS (possibly for iPadOS as well).